
Tomorrow is stupid and I hate it.

You're married, you're in your early 30's, you have a regular job, you commute, you do the whole thing (minus the kid). You figure that this is the time that you finally regulate yourself. Then for no particular reason, you're up reading articles on the faltering Liberal party in Canada, plowing through some crazy article that The Goch sent on the elite social club, The Bohemian Club, trying to decide how much you'll lose on drunken field bets when you and the Mrs head out to desert in November, and reading up on the crappy football team you support with far too much of your time.

Eventually, it gets to the point in the evening where you are nearing an unsuitable amount of time to sleep for an adult. For some reason, this never used to bother you. Now it does. Then you figure, "you know, I would totally work part time. I bet we could live on my three-days-a-week salary. Sure, we'd have to cut a few things out, but I'd be happier. And that's the point of living, right?... Oh man, imagine what we could do if I only worked three days a week. Sometimes we could take the train up and down the coast. But we might have to get a bigger car if we wanted to take the dog on long trips.... Maybe I could get involved in local politics...."

Then you realize that you are probably not going to get this plan implemented in the next five hours. So you will probably still have to get up when the alarm goes off.




Who "won" the "debate" "?"

First of all, I hate that question. Second, it was Bob Schieffer. Best. Questions. Ever.


You know what's awesome?

Everything. Everything is completely awesome when your team wins. Especially when your team was the massive underdog on Monday Night Football, and they had an absolutely outstanding, resounding, unequivocal victory over a team that hasn't lost since the end of last season, and in the meantime picked up a little hardware. Also, it's really nice when the place you are watching it pours a decent Guinness.

You know what happened? I came home after the game and read the AP report on Yahoo! because I was checking it through my pick'em league. And then, you know what I did? I went over to to check the story over there, and realized they were just using the AP feed as well. So at that point, I read the story again.

So, let me just get one more bit of awesomeness off my chest here. Right before we left for the bar tonight, I sat down at the pick'em league home page, and picked the Browns. RIGHT BEFORE I WALKED OUT THE DOOR! That's when that pick went down. It was like my heart led me to that radio button.

Oh man. Everything is awesome.

You know how when everything is so awesome that you feel like you have the day off of work tomrorrow? Man, I hope that happens. Cause i am totally not interested in any of that crap tomorrow. Or I won't be. Or whatever.

Oh holy crap. Who wants to dance, huh? I'm buying everyone a shot.


Once you cross the Hudson, you're on your own

From my hometown paper, The Albany Times Union

TROY — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's last name is spelled "Osama" on hundreds of absentee ballots mailed out this week to voters in Rensselaer County.

The misspelling, which elections officials on both sides of the aisle insist was simply a typo, is causing embarrassment for the county.
''No question this is an honest mistake innocently done,'' said Edward McDonough, the Democratic commissioner. ''We catch almost everything.''

This is probably not a good time to note that I went to school in this county for six years (though my hardscrabble copy-editing life was wrought elsewhere).

[continue reading the full embarrassment here.]


"Hey Bob, put the ladder in"

From The Economist print edition

"THIS has been a horrific summer for bear attacks in Canada. Earlier this month, a 52-year-old fisherman on Vancouver Island was badly mauled after a black bear swam over to his boat, scrambled on board and began attacking him, refusing to let go—despite being repeatedly struck with a gaff, beaten with a hammer and stabbed with various sharp objects—until a rescuer finally managed to slit its throat with a filleting knife."
Have bears always been good swimmers (akin to the oft-noted Phelpsian talents of the pachyderm), or is this an evolutionary jump we are witnessing, (like when dolphins grew thumbs)?

[continue reading the article from The Economist]


Barrack Bema?

When will Microsoft send out a patch so that MS Word doesn't think "Barack Obama" is a misspelling?

What? I have to add it myself? Oh yeah. Like I have that kind of time.


When other wrestlers retire, are they eaten as well?

God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

"Oh, and cover those little pink ones in mud and wrestle them. It totally rocks."


Grandpa's going to be a mommy

Maybe the most suprising thing about this whole brief is the AP's use of the phrase "ridiculously happy".




There are only two problems with the Brown's offense

1) Throwing the ball

2) Catching the ball


Well, Mrs Palin would definitely be the mirror image to Mr Biden.

In opposition to a guy who rides Amtrak every day to DC, he picks a woman from a state you can barely get to with a senator who wanted to build a bridge to nowhere.

Luckily, she's comfortable with the Cheney role of abusing her power.